
Very liquid flow? Don't worry, my friend, I'll tell you all about it here🌷
Hey there, lovely! If you've noticed your vaginal discharge is more watery than usual and you're wondering what's going on, take a deep breath. Let's have a friendly chat about it.Ovulation making ...
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Beat PMS with comfort. One less drama to deal with 😣🌟
Ah, good old PMS. That lovely combo of bloating, impossible cravings (hello, chocolate), and mood swings that make us feel like we’re starring in a soap opera. Yes, it’s real, and it affects 75% ...
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El lado no tan rosa de la píldora: Los anticonceptivos y cómo afectan a tu cuerpo
Hola, querida lectora menstruante.Hoy vamos a hablar de algo que muchas de nosotras conocemos demasiado bien: las píldoras anticonceptivas.Sí, esas pequeñas píldoras mágicas que prometen liberarte ...
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Why Do Your Ovaries Hurt Without Getting Your Period?🤔
Dear menstruating friend,I’m sure you’ve felt that little ache in your ovaries more than once, like your period is about to start, but... nothing! And of course, you’re left wondering:“What’s going...
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🤫The topic that is NOT talked about: How to get menstruation stains out of clothes👖
Oh, menstruation! That faithful companion that sometimes decides to leave its mark on our favorite clothes. But did you know that getting rid of those stains is easier than you think? Yes, it is,...
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Menstruating has never been so comfortable: Benefits of cloth pads🌟
Have you heard about cloth pads? If not, get ready because you’re about to fall in love. If you already know about them, then you know exactly what we’re talking about! Today, we want to tell yo...
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💥Your body's superpower: All about vaginal discharge🤫
Hello, Menstrual Health Goddesses! Today, we're going to talk about an essential topic: vaginal discharge. Yes, that mysterious liquid that sometimes makes us think our body has a mind of its o...
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Laughs and Reflections: World Cancer Day
Laughs and Reflections: World Cancer Day Hello, fashion queens and trendsetters! World Cancer Day is just around the corner, and what better time to talk about how to look "fabulous" while keeping ...
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Öngondoskodás a menstruáció alatt: tippek, hogy jobban érezd magad a ciklus alatt
A menstruáció sok ember életének természetes velejárója, de számos kihívással járhat, a fájdalomtól és görcsöktől a hangulati ingadozásokig. Íme néhány tipp, hogyan vigyázz magadra a ciklus alatt, ...
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Unregelmäßige Menstruáció Was ist zu tun?
Waren Sie schon einmal mit Freunden unterwegs, und plötzlich bekommen Sie Ihre Periode und haben keine Binde dabei, weil Ihr Menstruationskalender sagt, dass es noch einige Tage bis zum Beginn der ...
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